miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2009

Mount of Joy PICNIC flavour

..how joyful it can be to cut an avocado into two halves, then take out the flesh carefully with a spoon and smash it. Add tuna to it (get rid of the oil first, too much fat). Simoultaniously, your partner (if you're on your own, you could start with this activity either) chops onion thinly,into little, little cubes (cutting properly and beautifully is the real challenge of this dish) and then you drown the onion in squeezed lemon juice. Leave it there for min. 10 min or longer. In the meantime you can decide whether you're still in the mood for some more painstaking chopping and if there is any parsley, or fresh coriander, or hot chilly pepper, or all of them available you could also add them to the onions. Finally, you mix the avocado-tuna paste, with the soaked onions with the mentioned aditives. When it has become homogenous you put it back into the empty avocado shells. Ready to eat with bread, toast, mexican tortillas...

Measures: you chose the right proportion acording to your palate and colesterol.

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